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Black Water


A clever system to not only reuse dialyzers, but rather regenerate them for optimal use every time.

We guarantee you clinic will average 40 uses per dialyzer!

What is ClearFlux?

ClearFlux is a dialyzer reprocessing machine capable of restoring dialyzer function to approximately the baseline value for every single reuse. Unlike existing devices, ClearFlux ensures virtually no loss in dialyzer performance for up to 40 treatments. Additionally, this device is proven to maintain optimal small and middle-molecules clearance. The ClearFlux System represents a major advance in dialysis processing, streamlines all clinical operations and COMPLETELY replaces outdated reprocessing equipment. Please contact us today for a full package and welcome to ONE BUTTON TOUCH dialyzer regeneration!

A Novel Mechanism for Reprocessing

What ClearFlux Offers

High-Quality Performance


ClearFlux ensures a fully automated process with no automated pre-cleaning and an average of 40 treatments per dialyzer. 

ClearFlux has the potential to not only improve patient care, but also ease multiple consequences of operation.

Cost Savings


ClearFlux results in 40% savings vs. high-flux disposable dialyzers, 50% labor reduction, 66% reduction in peracetic acid use, and 70% reduction in RO water costs versus current technology. **Information provided is based on real time clinical data, please contact us for real time cost analysis from actual clinics!

User-Friendly Operation


ClearFlux implements easy-to-use software and patient tracking, clearly defined operations, and a streamlined process. 24/7 technical support is also available.

Two-Phase Flow Technology (TPF)

Two-phase flow utilizes a combination of liquid and gas phases to completely remove biological contaminants and highly adhering substances from narrow passageways. A pressurized cleaning fluid is passed through the dialysate side of the dialyzer using reverse ultrafiltration (a process also known as back-flushing). Simultaneously, HEPA-filtered air is supplied to the blood side of the dialyzer. This generates a two-phase mixture within the fiber lumens of the dialyzer, cleaning the dialyzer to unseen levels in previous reprocessing systems.

Before TPF
After TPF
what is clearflux
Water Ripple
Water Ripple
Water Ripple
Water Ripple

Back-flushing thoroughly cleans the membrane pores while filtered air passes through the lumen.

This two-phase cleaning recovers the total cell volume (TCV) and molecular clearance.

Two-phase flow provides a standardized approach for processing all dialyzers.

By employing new cleaning mechanisms, ClearFlux eliminates the need for manual intervention.

Green Technology


ClearFlux leads to a 97.5% waste reduction in comparison to high-flux disposable dialyzers and uses environmentally-safe reprocessing chemistry.

two phase flow

© 2020 by NovaFlux Inc. All rights reserved.

Address: 1 Wall Street Princeton, NJ 08540

Telephone: (609) 683-0215

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